Beauty on a Mountaintop

Beauty on a Mountaintop

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Be Yourself!! (Then Blog About It)

Have you ever thought to yourself: "I should start a blog!"

Me too.

And so I started one, then another, and now another.

My first blog had no posts, no followers - I created it then felt paralyzed by the sheer possibilities. The weight of the emptiness was too much for me, so I didn't act. I didn't write. My second blog was less about words and more about images- I took pictures of my art and posted it, curious to see if it would generate any interest (it did not). Again I found myself with very little posts and even fewer followers. This whole blog thing was a mystery to me! And so I emptied it yet again, leaving a clean space for whenever I decided to make a third attempt. 

And that brings us to present day, and my third (and let's hope final) attempt at this whole blog thing. You may ask, "What changed?" After all, I've already had two unsuccessful attempts at being a blogger. And aside from those two actual attempts where many more ideas that never even made it to the web. I'll tell you what changed; I decided I needed to write about a subject which I already talk about. I know that sounds simple, but all my other ideas I was striving to talk about a subject which I didn't currently talk about in my daily life. Don't get me wrong, I've thought about blogging about a lot of things that I love, like art, fashion, books, or finding good deals, but those are not subjects I talk about on a daily basis. Starting a blog to talk about things that I didn't already talk about all the time felt like an uphill battle. I think a blog is a place to find yourself, be yourself, maybe even challenge yourself. But not a place to change yourself. So I've decided to be who I am, and write what I know. So, with that, welcome. I hope you enjoy my novice expertise displayed on these pages.

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